Dr. Priya Lalvani

Learn about what TRUE inclusion means in this episode where we interview Dr. Priya Lalvani. Dr. Lalvani is Professor at Montclair State University. She teaches courses in Disability Studies and is the coordinator for the Graduate Program in Inclusive Education.

Mei Li

Mom, activist, and author Mei Li, shares her journey with her son with a disability and her unique perspective as a Chinese-American, a Brooklynite and a middle child…

The Year in Review

Wow! 2022 flew by but not without 52 episodes from Alma and Iris! Tune in to learn which episodes were our favorites and why, as well as what we have in store for 2 Moms no Fluff in 2023!

A sibling’s perspective

A younger sibling’s perspective on their brother with a disability may be much different than an older sibling. Listen in to get some insight into what goes on behind closed doors and out in the community for this sibling of an older brother with a disability.

Another Baby?

Having another baby after you have had a child with a disability. Whether you are considering your options or have already decided, this candied conversation will certainly resonate with you. 

Nina N’silo Swai

This week we welcome another mom, Nina N’silo Swai , who’s son is Autistic. She shares what it’s like to love and care for him and concerns about him being Autistic and Black out in the world.


Hotels versus airbnb? We give the pros and cons of each as well as how to make our children feel at home while traveling. Make it a vacation and not just a trip!  

Meaningful Gifts

As the holiday season approaches, we are here to help you give and receive gifts that are meaningful, useful and often times free!  

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We invite you to join Alma and Iris, two moms who have nothing in common except that they are always right and have everything under control. NOT!

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